Logos programming language


The Logos programming language is a hobby programming language. It is meant to be a very simple and powerful language that compiles directly to assembly (currently only ARM64 is supported).

Since the language leans so closely to the hardware, it is very easy to write code that interacts with the OS directly.

Example program:

  ritual fib(n) {
    if n < 2 {
     	end n

    a = fib(n-1)
    b = fib(n-2)

    end a + b

  ritual main() {
  	end fib(10)

Text encryption app for Android


The EncryptTextApp is a simple Android app that encrypts and decrypts text. It does this as an overlay on top of existing messaging apps (or any text-input fields). The app lets the user quickly and simply encrypt and decrypt text without having to leave the messaging app, making it incredibly easy to use.

screenshot 1 screenshot 2 screenshot 3

The application is published on the F-Droid app store: https://f-droid.org/packages/dk.meznik.jan.encrypttext/

OS3 operating system


The OS3 is a very simple x86_64 operating system. I wrote it to learn about operating systems and how it interacts with the hardware.