The digital world is a world of infinite possibilities. It is a world where we can be whoever we want to be. It is a world where we can truly express ourselves. No wonder we are so attracted to it.
I explore and wander through this digital world, I interact with people and ideas that I would never have met in the real world. Perhaps they cannot even be expressed in the real world.
In this world, I have the possibility to go and do whatever I like. If I am lucky, I can be immortalized in this world, and my thoughts and creations will live on forever.
Yet, when I wake up to the "real" world, I feel disconnected. In the real world, my interactions are dictated by physical circumstances. I can only interact with my immediate surroundings, I cannot modify the nature of the world, and I am much more limited in my self expression.
I am afraid that I have become too consumed by the digital world. I am losing my abilities to navigate the real world. Connecting with other people is increasingly harder because I cannot find any common ground. I feel like a foreigner.
Am I the only one feeling such as disconnect?